Avalokiteshvara on Sky Blue Background
$158.00 $195.00
Buy inspirational Buddhist art thangka Avalokiteshvara on sky blue background. This vertical wall art tapestry with a gold embroidery, 23.8" x 36.2", is an excellent meditation aid and an inspirational yoga artwork. Avalokiteshvara is the Buddha of Infinite Compassion. He appears in 108 different forms. In this particular thanka he has one face and four arms. In his two front hands he is holding the wish-fulfilling jewel Cintamani, the symbol of compassion. In his right rear hand he holds the prayer necklace. In his left rear hand he holds a lotus flower, the symbol of spiritual ascension.
In Tibetan Buddhism, one of the most important and popular forms of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, is known as Bodhisattva Shadakshari, which stands for the Lord of the Six-Syllable Mantra. Chenrezig, or the "six-syllable" mantra of Avalokiteshvara- Om mani padme hum- invokes the spirit of universal compassion.
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