Unique Gifts for Retirees to Elevate Confidence in Mid-Years

Unique good luck gifts for retirees, baby boomers, grandparents, mom, dad, gifts for mother in law, father in law, and unique Feng Shui retirement gifts help alleviate the unpleasant realities of life, such as advance of age, and boost vitality and brain function of the recipients of such positive energy gifts.
We all get older as the years go by, no matter how hard we try to cover up the fact, or try to deny it by pretending that the passage of time somehow does not apply to us. Each one of us will face a startling day when we suddenly realize we are older than we thought we were, and have arrived at one of those horrible landmarks by which we identify the "older set." These landmarks are known by a variety of names, such as "middle aged," "over 40," "over the hill," "of retirement age," "pension recipient," and "old geezer."
Feng Shui wall art, good luck jewelry and unique gifts offered by Explosion Luck can help soften the blow of our advancing years, and will elevate our aging confidence at the very time we see our steps begin to stumble. One Feng Shui jewelry item that does this quite well is a good luck pendant made of white stone, which measures just under 2 inches in width. Portrayed on the stone is the Chinese symbol "Fu", which symbolizes good fortune. As all elderly persons know, it is always a sign of good fortune to be able to get out of bed in the morning, and to have enough memory left to find the way to the kitchen for breakfast.
Another Feng Shui gift sure to delight and remove the sting of advancing age is the White Tara Tibetan thangka tapestry, which portrays a manifestation of Avalokiteshvara--the protector and preserver of life, and of long-life in particular. The Tibetan tapestry is finely woven and is roughly 2' x 3' in size, suitable for hanging on any wall in the home , in office, or in meditation room. The figure in the White Tara comes complete with seven eyes, all of which are unafraid to look at our aged frames in a kindly way.
We all like to think we are timeless of course, especially as we age and our wrinkles begin to show. One of the dramatic portrayals of timelessness that can be purchased on ExplosionLuck.com is the 2' x 3' wall art of Bridal Veil Falls, in Yosemite National Park. This majestic waterfall towers 188 meters above the green beauty of the park. The water seems to flow endlessly in a gentle display of soft power, looking just the same as it did when it was first discovered hundreds of years ago. All of us would love to think we can age with similar grace and beauty.
Another inventive gift for baby boomers is a moving sand art picture Nemo from the Deep Sea collection of Explosion Luck's moving sand art.
And yet another Feng Shui gift which is sure to arouse interest in persons of any age is a 3" x 6" golden cricket, which comes complete with golden antennae. The sparkling gold of its head and legs is beautifully offset by its deep blue body. Once again, the symbolism is one of luck, which no person of advancing age should be without. Place the cricket in your car, and you are sure to find it in the parking lot when your aging brain forgets where you parked. Place one in your office, and you are assured that work will be a little less chaotic and luckier than normal.
A final piece of Feng Shui art which everyone will enjoy is an antique bronze statue Praying Buddha. Every aging person will appreciate this piece, which speaks of calmness and nobility in the face of a bickering world of turmoil. And just as the praying Buddha always purposely moves onward, we also can move steadily forward with our eyes set on the future, guaranteed that no matter what our age life will always bring us good luck, new surprises and happy moments.
If the parent, the baby boomer, or the retiree for whom you are buying a unique gift loves movies, give them a unique non-movie gift for movie buffs. If they love books, give them a unique non-book gift for book lovers. And if they love to travel, give them a unique gift for art, culture, travel and history lovers.